How Ozone SwimⓇ Purification Works
Ozone generated from the Ozone Swim® units do the majority of sanitising work in your pool, reducing chlorine demand by up to 80% while leaving you with clear, clean and odour free pool water.
Ozone effectively neutralises any organic contaminant instantly and reverts back to oxygen by the time the water returns to your pool. Ozone Swim® leaves you with noticeably softer water that is also safe and hygienic.
- Noticeably softer, hygienically clean water
- Safe for people who suffer from
allergies, asthma & eczema - Eliminates red eyes & itchy skin
- Environmentally friendly
- Reduces your pools chlorine
levels by up to 80% - Fewer additional chemicals required
- Prolongs equipment & salt cell life
- Save time and money on maintenance
- Improves water clarity